Tuesday, March 25, 2014

IEW- Week 23

We had small classes in both periods today. Weather, illness, difficult circumstances, loss of grandparents (we're keeping you in our prayers)..... yeah, there were a lot of empty chairs and missed smiles.

Please come and join us next week as we read our final papers and hang out in the picnic shelter for food and fun. Pot luck kind of fun.... but if you forget to bring something... come anyway! We want to see you one last Tuesday before summer break (Seriously, how can we actually use the word summer when it snowed today???? That is just not right!).

Today in class we discussed some advanced dress-ups:

dual adverbs: Zoey cunningly and carefully crept down the hall.

dual verbs: Jessica studied and worked all night long.

dual adjectives: The small but fluffy puppy licked Hannah.

as well as teeter-totters:

adverbial: Jeremy longingly and fervently dreamed of fishing because it was his favorite thing to do.
(notice the dual ly, verb, www.asia.wub clause)

adjectival: Mary Blake read the wonderful and exciting book which was given her as a birthday present.
(notice the dual adjectives, noun, w/w clause)

For those of you who are first tour students, please do not feel as if you need to include these in your paper. These are advanced techniques for those who need a bit more challenge. They are not required.

I am really looking forward to reading all of your papers next week! We'll read them all in class and then head on out to par-tay! You've earned it!

What an amazing blessing each and every one of you have been this year. Thank you moms for the privilege of being able to sow into your children. Their smiles have stolen my heart and I am humbled to be on the receiving end of such sweetness from them. They are treasures.

If anyone needs anything this week while you are finishing up your papers, shoot me an email!

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