Tuesday, April 1, 2014

IEW-Week 24

What a fun way to end our year together! According to the combined class count, math was the favorite subject but history and science were close on it's heels. I loved that we got two votes for art. :) What a deliciously diverse group!

It was a fabulous day of reading papers and eating yummies- thanks moms! You rock.

I will be sending a flat envelope of letters to Indonesia soon. If anyone would like to send words of encouragement or stickers (anything flat), please bring it to me Tuesday night. The Knott family will be coming home on furlough soon and will hopefully be able to pay us a visit next year at some point! It would be lovely for them to have some names and faces to connect.

Thank you, thank you for making my year so full of smiling faces and imaginative interaction. Your children have been such a blessing and I cherish this past year so very much! It has been a joy to share my passion for written communication with these bright young minds.

Have an amazing summer!