Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 5: Review Units I and II

Hello Masters Families,
I love weeks where we get to review and reflect on what we have have learned so far.  I hope all of the students enjoyed the game atmosphere as an opportunity to work together and celebrate all of the IEW Grammar (memory work) they have mastered.  Just remember, that this is a year long process and we will continue to drill and do all of these skills ALL YEAR :) I didn't expect for every question to be answered perfectly, or our jobs would be obsolete!  As a tutor, I like to use these review "games" as a tool to assess what the students as a whole have really mastered and where I need to put more emphasis as we move forward. 
Follow the Weekly Guide presented in class yesterday.
At home this week, we will be completing the Final Draft of "The Plant of Life"paper.  You can determine how many paragraphs you would like to Final Draft for next week and present them as a 1, 2, or 3 paragraph paper.  Illustrating is optional.  When you turn in your paper, please turn it in following the same format as the first two papers.
(1)  Typed or neatly hand-written
(2)  IEW Unit II or MLA Format
(3) USE YOUR FINAL CHECKLIST SHEET AS A GUIDE and Label all STYLE elements as indicated.  Underline all dress-ups and vocabulary (**one of each in each paragraph**),  Label alliteration in the right margin.  Label sentence openers in the left hand margin. 
Special focus for this paper only:*** Bold or highlight three words or phrases, one for three different senses, in any paragraph.
We reviewed labeling in class yesterday to help clarify how to label our papers.  Please remember that the purpose of the labeling is to teach the students the STYLE elements we are learning.  We want them to grasp the difference between dress-ups and openers and for them to see the variety of sentence patterns (openers) in their writing. Please don't worry about doing it "right or wrong" as long as your child is learning the elements of STYLE:) 
(4)  Please turn in their paper housed in a clear page protector with the Final Checklist.  If their paper exceeds one typed/written page, just place the "Final Checklist" between the two pages in the page protector.
As an option you may complete the Alliteration exercise located in Section 9 on your Student's Notebook.  The Alliteration exercise is printed on light gray paper and is page #42. We turned to the page in class yesterday.  For all parents/students who were not able to be present in class yesterday, I wanted to clarify where you can find this sheet.
When the Writing Rewards jar is full we will have a party to celebrate.  At this time, I am planning to recognize each individual student for a strength in their writing at the "Writing Reward" party.  It may be a "Top Title", "Amazing Alliteration", "Voluminous Vocabulary", or "Dress-up Dynamo" etc. etc.  My purpose in this is to build each individual student's confidence and enthusiasm about their writing.  They are each gifted by God and a blessing to be with every week.

Continue to drill IEW Vocabulary Lessons 1-5, Unit I and II charts, and the Outlining Rule.
Drill Math Facts for this week : 9's, 10's and Cubes.
Grammar Rule Focus for the week: Rule 5 Possessive Pronouns vs. Contractions

Call or email if you have any questions. 


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