Tuesday, October 8, 2013

IEW-Week 6

Let the fun begin!This 3 week mini-research paper is a great warm up to our Faces of History report.

It will serve us all well if we moms read through lessons 10-13 right now before this project gets underway. It helps with the planning when you know where you're going!

Here's the Cliff Notes version:

THIS WEEK: Lesson #10: KWO/Fused Outline/Rough draft Topic A: Purposes/Duties of a Knight. The two source texts in the book give you all of the information that you need.

NEXT WEEK: Lesson #11: KWO/Fused Outline/Rough draft Topics B and C (student choice). Level B has the option to find an additional source text and choose a topic that isn't fully covered in the book.... remember the list we made on the board?

THE FOLLOWING WEEK: Lessons #12, 13: Introductory/ Conclusion paragraphs (Level B) or sentences (Level A) and bibliography.

Don't forget to go over the extra grammar rules about possessive pronouns and apostrophes and pronoun singular/plural agreement. Extra practice is in the back of the student book. You'll find it on the white pages that are NOT page protected.

Things to think about:
-things to ask our future pen pals in Indonesia and chipping in a few dollars towards a care package

-Thank you Susan Matthews and Rebekkah Stewart for stepping up to help out with our Pen Pal Project.

-what you want to write about for the Faces of History report that will be read at the Medieval Dinner Theatre on the Thursday evening after week 12 (The general public is invited so pass it along.)

-If anyone has any hidden talents that you would like to share, let me know. Shelley Brazinski and Patrice Reeves have stepped up to coordinate this event. We have already begun laying plans in place but we are open to any brainstorms you have and any skills we can exploit benefit from. ;O

-FYI- This is designed to showcase the students and their accomplishments. Please know that they can read a one paragraph report or they can take the full 3-minute allotment and give us a rehearsed in-character first person monologue taken from their FOH report. Whatever makes them comfortable is acceptable. More details will follow but keep this in the back of your mind as you shop the after-Halloween costume sales.

As always, email me with any questions and my lesson plans are available to anyone who wants them.

Have a blessed week!

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