Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 16 - Triple T!!!

Hello Essentials families,
Thank you for your grace with my little ones yesterday.  I apologize for the interruptions to class.  The combination of construction noise and a 22 pound little bundle of energy should give everyone a small glimpse of homeschooling in my home every day:)

Week 16 - Introductions and Conclusions Unit 6: Essay from Multiple Sources
Level A - 3 paragraph report -
We reviewed the structure of a 3 paragraph paper with an introductory statement and final clincher.  For Unit 6 this is a great opportunity to reinforce the structure learned in Unit 4 and grow to Unit 6 by using 2 sources and fusing information into one paper. 
  • This week finish the 3 body paragraphs Topics A, B, and C and write an introductory statement and final clincher about Ancient Rome.  Remember to REPEAT/REFLECT 2 to 3 key words MINIMUM in the introductory statement and final clincher. 
  • Then, compose a title that REFLECTS the final clincher. 
  • Next week, you will be able to polish the final draft using your final draft checklist and illustrate their paper.

Level B - 5 paragraph report - Unit 8:The Basic Essay
  • This week you should complete the three body paragraphs for your Ancient Rome essay.  Use your Final Draft checklist to insure that all of the required elements are included. 
  • Yesterday we learned what elements to include in an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph for a 5 paragraph essay.  After you have completed your Topic A, B, and C paragraphs, you will have the BODY of your report. You will be prepared to plan and write your introduction and conclusion.  Emphasize how important it is to write the BODY of your paper BEFORE you write the introduction and conclusion. 
  • Background information for your introduction can be found in the 2 sources "Ancient Rome" and "A Great Empire".  You may use any information you did not include in the body of your paper (Topics A, B, C).  For example, if you did not write a body paragraph about Rome's greatness, then use some of those facts for the background information of your introduction.
****Structure Note: When you mention your 3 topics, be sure to mention in the same order that you will put them in your report. Introduction A, B, C  Body A, B, C  Conclusion A, B, C****
                                           TRIPLE T - TELL them what you're going to TELL them,                      
                                           TELL them,                                                                                                  
                                           TELL them what you TOLD them.                                                             

  • Write the rough draft of your introduction and conclusion paragraphs using the checklist provided on page 122 of their packet.
****Style Note: In the introduction and conclusion they are only required to include 4 dress-ups and 3 openers.***
  • Compose a title that REFLECTS the Final Clincher.
IEW Vocabulary - This week I recommend giving Vocabulary Quiz 4.
WRITING REWARD CHALLENGE - Bonus writing rewards for any student that recites the word list when you come into class.  If you recite the whole song/list double rewards!!!
Have a productive week writing your essays!  Contact me if you have any need for further instruction or clarification.
Write On!

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