Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 2 Writing Recap

Hello Writing Geniuses and moms,
I hope you are all excited about your first writing adventure in Essentials this year.  I am looking forward to some fascinating paragraphs on the ziggurats of ancient Sumeria.  If you do not feel your child is ready to begin writing paragraphs, please see the next post for an alternative schedule this week. For everyone ready to plunge into paragraphs, the Weekly Guide is the last page of your student's lesson packet distributed in class yesterday.  Please adjust the daily schedule to comfortably fit your week.

Reminders and Tips:
Before your student begins writing, complete the Key Word Outline we began in class yesterday and complete the brainstorming exercises.  Don't forget to use Section 8 in your student's notebook on Dress-ups and Decorations.   This will give them a great head start on all of the dress-ups required for this week's assignment (Strong verb, quality adjective, -ly word, vocabulary).  Remember to use the rough draft checklist and the Final checklist. Underline one of each.  Help your child create an amazing title based on key words in the last sentence of their paragraph. 

Example IEW Paper:
If you would like to see a completed paper with all of the dress-ups underlined presented in Unit II  IEW format, you may look at the "Evil Ka-Weasel" paper in your parent folder that was distributed at orientation.  There is a color copy included in your parent folder.

History of Sumer sheet:
Remember, the History of Sumer sheet that I provided in a page protector is a bonus information sheet or "History Note" on Sumer.  This is simply bonus background information for your child to read and learn from this week.  If they would like to illustrate the page/draw a map and include it when they turn in their "Ziggurats" paragraph I will reward bonus Writing Rewards for their effort.

How does my child turn in their work next week?
Please turn in their final draft paragraph on ziggurats in a single page protector.  The paragraph on ziggurats (facing the front) and the final checklist (facing the back).  A great storage tip I have used over the years is to place the lesson sheets in between the Final Draft and Checklist.  Personally, I value having all of the steps of the writing process stored together.  The steps to that final draft are extremely important and it really displays their growth over the year. 

IEW Grammar:
If you have time in your schedule, please drill the Outlining Rule, Unit I KWO Chart format, Unit II Chart, and IEW Vocabulary.

Math Drills:
Level A - 3's and 4's  Math Mastery Map - 3's, 4's, and 14's

Have a wonderful week, please contact me if you have any questions!


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