Tuesday, January 14, 2014

IEW- Week 13

And off we go!

Today we jumped in to Unit 5: Event Description (Writing from Pictures).

Just to go over the assignment once again, students may choose Lesson 14 OR 15 and Level A OR B. We also introduced Alliteration and 3 Short Staccato Sentences (It's just 3 very short sentences in a row.).

First period seemed to catch the idea of the 3SSS a bit easier but I know most of second period covered it last year so it was old hat for them. I sincerely wish I'd had more time to brain storm it more with them however, both concepts are covered in the gray pages behind tab #9 in the student book as well as within the lessons themselves in the IEW Medieval History student book (pgs. 100 and 103).

Some of the veteran students may wish to take this challenge further by adding in some conversation (lesson 3 in the book). We will formally cover the concept later on but any student who wishes to let their imagination run wild and try new things is welcomes to do so. And don't forget those 5 sense words! They will make this assignment really sing. Also, it's "Vocabulary Word Challenge" time. See how many you can squeeze in. :)

This is a one week assignment so papers are due next week.

Don't forget, each picture has:

-a topic sentence which tells the reader the "facts" of the picture
-some background history information about the picture that answers questions like who?/ what?/ where?/ when?/ why?/ how?/ before?/ after?/
-a final clincher that repeats and reflects the topic sentence and flows into the next picture.

Please, please, please let me know if any questions arise or you need to mull something over with me! I'm so excited to see the wonderful turns these creative minds will take this semester.


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