Wednesday, September 11, 2013

IEW- Week 2

Emotions, Senses, and Titles From Clinchers- Oh my!

Did you catch the commas in a series? :)

Here is the assignment for this week: Mohammed and Islam

Level A: one paragraph paper p. 32

Level B: two paragraph paper pp. 32, 33

Level C: three paragraph paper pp. 32, 33, 34

* Everyone can use the Final Checklist from p. 40, simply do not checkoff the boxes for the paragraphs you are not doing. Even though it doesn't say to include a picture, pictures always make a paper more exciting.

Mom should fill out the checklist. I DO NOT GRADE PAPERS. I do receive them and read them and return them with a "Glow and Grow" comment card. You, as the teacher, are in complete control of the grade your child receives. I am here to encourage you and your child and provide positive feedback.

I realize that today we focused more on dress-ups and details instead of talking through the assignment. This week's paper is similar in process to last week's paper so no further explanation was needed. It is still: KWO, re-tell orally, rough draft, dress-up, edit with mom, MLA, illustrate, print out. If you have any concerns or questions or need any clarity to help you through this week, please let me know.

Many of you kept in contact with me last week and it was great. Never, ever feel guilty for emailing me as much as it takes for you to grasp the concepts in this class. I am very much here to help you and want to see you get as much as possible out of this year.

Take advantage of every opportunity you have in conversation this week  to point out how sense words and emotion verbs make conversation more clear. Hopefully our KitKat demonstration not only tortured them ;) but made the point about the value and the power of careful description. Don't forget to talk about how the atmosphere of various places/situations can be described using all the words we talked about.

We did not go over the vocabulary words specifically this week but the vocab quizzes for the whole year were passed out. See me if you did not get one. Also, please note that they are free to use any vocab word at any time. They do NOT have to use them in order of the lesson numbers. The more they use them, the more they will become familiar with the meanings.

If a clincher sentence is a vague concept for you (1st tour folks) don't worry about it. We will be getting into that next week. For your purposes right now, it is simply the last line of the paper. Remember that we talked about the clincher sentence and the title making a circle around the paper to wrap it up in one cohesive package! Let them have fun and run with this idea!

If you would like my personal lesson plan to use this week for your own children, email me.  This lesson plan is designed to be simple enough for Level B and C students to use it on their own if mom so chooses. I'm eventually going to learn how to embed it in the blog post so that all you have to do is click on it but it's a work in progress.

Many thanks to Rhonda Thurmond and Sherry Dula for stepping up to be my "Admission Ticket Moms." Each week I will have the same station set up for students to say their ticket, hand in their paper, and to receive any handouts I have for the week.

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Melissa ~

    I'm not sure if you will get this or not, but I hope you do! I responded to your question in my comments about the Hope Groups.

