Tuesday, December 17, 2013

IEW- Videos, part 2

Hello, hello!

We will meet again at my house next Monday, December 23, from 10-12 to watch another video that focuses on one of the units of creative writing that we will do next semester. Children are welcome.I hope to see you there. :D

Have a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 6, 2013

IEW- Videos

Hi Everyone!

I trust you had a blessed Thanksgiving and are headed into a wonderful Christmas season.

Next semester we dive head first into some wonderful creative writing.

I am offering the opportunity for you to view the IEW videos over the break that will pertain to the lessons will be doing. These videos are wonderful overviews into the heart of this very unique curriculum. If this is your first tour, I highly recommend coming.

We will watch the first one at my house on Monday, December 16th from 10 am- 12 pm.

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you along in your journey!
