Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 16 - Triple T!!!

Hello Essentials families,
Thank you for your grace with my little ones yesterday.  I apologize for the interruptions to class.  The combination of construction noise and a 22 pound little bundle of energy should give everyone a small glimpse of homeschooling in my home every day:)

Week 16 - Introductions and Conclusions Unit 6: Essay from Multiple Sources
Level A - 3 paragraph report -
We reviewed the structure of a 3 paragraph paper with an introductory statement and final clincher.  For Unit 6 this is a great opportunity to reinforce the structure learned in Unit 4 and grow to Unit 6 by using 2 sources and fusing information into one paper. 
  • This week finish the 3 body paragraphs Topics A, B, and C and write an introductory statement and final clincher about Ancient Rome.  Remember to REPEAT/REFLECT 2 to 3 key words MINIMUM in the introductory statement and final clincher. 
  • Then, compose a title that REFLECTS the final clincher. 
  • Next week, you will be able to polish the final draft using your final draft checklist and illustrate their paper.

Level B - 5 paragraph report - Unit 8:The Basic Essay
  • This week you should complete the three body paragraphs for your Ancient Rome essay.  Use your Final Draft checklist to insure that all of the required elements are included. 
  • Yesterday we learned what elements to include in an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph for a 5 paragraph essay.  After you have completed your Topic A, B, and C paragraphs, you will have the BODY of your report. You will be prepared to plan and write your introduction and conclusion.  Emphasize how important it is to write the BODY of your paper BEFORE you write the introduction and conclusion. 
  • Background information for your introduction can be found in the 2 sources "Ancient Rome" and "A Great Empire".  You may use any information you did not include in the body of your paper (Topics A, B, C).  For example, if you did not write a body paragraph about Rome's greatness, then use some of those facts for the background information of your introduction.
****Structure Note: When you mention your 3 topics, be sure to mention in the same order that you will put them in your report. Introduction A, B, C  Body A, B, C  Conclusion A, B, C****
                                           TRIPLE T - TELL them what you're going to TELL them,                      
                                           TELL them,                                                                                                  
                                           TELL them what you TOLD them.                                                             

  • Write the rough draft of your introduction and conclusion paragraphs using the checklist provided on page 122 of their packet.
****Style Note: In the introduction and conclusion they are only required to include 4 dress-ups and 3 openers.***
  • Compose a title that REFLECTS the Final Clincher.
IEW Vocabulary - This week I recommend giving Vocabulary Quiz 4.
WRITING REWARD CHALLENGE - Bonus writing rewards for any student that recites the word list when you come into class.  If you recite the whole song/list double rewards!!!
Have a productive week writing your essays!  Contact me if you have any need for further instruction or clarification.
Write On!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 15 - - #5 and cl. Dress-up

Greetings Essentials Parents,
It was so wonderful to reunite with all of you after an extended break from CC.  Being back in your company is just what the doctor ordered to make the whole Gaines Gang feel back to "normal" again. 
STRUCTURE - Unit 6 Review:
Yesterday in class we reviewed the Unit 6 structure and the students were masters of the KWO and fused outline idea.  We also were able to review the topic sentence and clincher relationship.  A BIG THANK YOU to the moms and Mrs. Varnell for doing such an amazing job teaching this Unit 6 information.

STYLE - #5 Opener and  clause Dress-up
In class we introduced the new style element adverb clauses.  In EEL Week 13 this topic was taught from the grammar perspective and now the students are able to add this complex sentence structure to their writing.  Moms, take advantage of any opportunity to reinforce the grammar  as they add this new style element to their writing.  If this is a difficult dress-up for your child, stick to simply adding a BECAUSE clause ONLY.  This is usually easier for them to understand and apply to their writing.  As we did in class yesterday, choose a simple sentence from their paragraph and put a BECAUSE and a blank line in front of their sentence for a #5 opener.  For a dress-up, take a simple sentence from their paragraph and add a BECAUSE and a blank line to the end or middle of the sentence.
     #5 Opener     Because_____________________, the Romans gained control of Europe.
  or as a dress-up   The Romans gained control of Europe because___________________________.

***A fun warm-up to get them thinking in the "clause mindset" is to practice with these examples:
     #5 Opener     Because_____________________, I didn't go to bed on time.
or as a dress-up  I didn't finish my math assignment because_______________________________.

Advance beyond the "because" clause when your child is ready.  Many of them are already using clauses in their writing and can skip this step.

Each of the body paragraphs A, B, and C will require the clause for the Final Draft of the paper.  It is required as a #5 Opener and as a dress-up. Song - Please use this song as a tool to help your child master the complete list of subordinating conjunctions for Essentials.  These are located on Chart H in your child's binder.

Week 15 Assignment:
This week work on completing the outlining process and rough drafts for paragraphs A, B, and C.  Next week we will begin Unit 8 by learning how to write an organized introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph for their reports on Ancient Rome.

Have a wonderful week!
Happy Writing,
Mrs. Gaines

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 14: Unit 6 to Unit 8 - The Journey Begins

Hello Essentials families,
Please accept my apologies for missing another week with you.  I can't wait to see your smiling faces again. Meredith misses everyone as well.  Thank you again Erin for taking the reins of IEW.  You are amazing.

Structure: (Unit 6)
On the front page I outlined for you a glimpse of the next four weeks with this assignment.  The skill of reading for information, selecting important facts, and then fusing ideas from multiple sources (2) is a valuable skill for your child to use throughout the rest of their education. Spending time on this important skill will reap great rewards. As you progress from Topics A-C,  I recommend allowing your child more and more independence as they KWO and fuse (if you feel they are ready), this will help them master the skill. 

During the first two weeks of this assignment, pace yourself to have your child write a three paragraph rough draft report on Ancient Rome.  The third week they will write an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.  The fourth week will be spent putting it all together into a five paragraph paper. Level A Option: I did include a 3 paragraph report option if you choose to do so.

To allow each of you flexibility at home and a clear picture of the assignment, I provided the entire assignment in their take home packet this week.  I will pace you each week through the assignment as listed.  Please be sure that your child has their packet in their binder each week.   We will be using these sheets in class as I introduce the new dress-up and sentence opener ( clause) and when I introduce writing an introductory and conclusion paragraph.  I will also be answering any questions and rewarding their progress.

Complete KWO and fused outline for Topic A (How Rome Began) and write a rough draft paragraph using the rough draft checklist.  KWO and fuse Topic B (Ancient Roman Government).
Work on memorizing the Song in preparation for learning the new dress-up and opener THE WWW.ASIA.BECAUSE CLAUSE.  The song details all of the Subordinating Conjunctions listed on your Essentials Conjunctions chart.  So with it your child can gain the benefit of memorizing the dress-up list and their grammar chart at the same time:).  BONUS!!!
IEW Vocabulary and Math Drills:
Continue to study the IEW Vocabulary and Math Drills.

We will be able to spend time each week in Writer's Circle sharing students' papers and we will have time for games to review vocabulary and IEW trivia.  If your child did not have an opportunity to read  their Unit 5 Picture paper or any other paper they love from this year, place them in their notebooks and we will take turns each week sharing.  Every student will have an opportunity to share.

We will look forward to seeing all of you on Week 15!

Many blessings,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 13 Unit 6 - Sick Kids in the Mix:(

Hello Essentials families,

I missed the long awaited return on Tuesday.  Around our home the days and nights are a blur, but after 5 doctor visits with 3 out of 4 children, I hope we are on the road to recovery.  Thank you for the prayers as my little ones regain strength.

Thank you again Mrs. Varnell for taking IEW over with enthusiasm and grace.  We are all blessed by you.

This week Unit 6 - Research Reports was introduced with a new skill of taking notes (5-6 Favorite Facts) from 2 sources and FUSING (melting) them together into one outline.  The format should be familiar from Unit 4 with the Topic Sentence and the Clincher REPEATING and/or REFLECTING 2-3 key words.  The Title should also reflect the Clincher.

I look forward to reading your one paragraph reports on the Ancient Greek Olympics.  Practice reading your paragraph aloud this week at home.  This is a necessary step in the proofreading process and it helps strengthen your presentation skills. I plan to have several volunteers share their paragraphs with the class next week:)

"It's a new decoration! It's a new style element! It's three short staccato sentences"
Enjoy brainstorming your three short sentences and perfectly place them in your paragraph this week.

CHALLENGE PREP ALERT- As some of your children look forward to entering the Challenge program next year, please note that the skills presented in this unit are used every week in the fall semester of Challenge A.  Each week the students will research and find at least 2 sources on a science topic, take notes in KEY WORD OUTLINE format, and then FUSE the 2 KWOs into one outline.  Then they will write a one paragraph report, illustrate, and present in class.  These skills will continue to follow then through the Challenge years.

I will see all of you next Tuesday!  I have some new and exciting plans for the semester.  Get ready to have a ball!

Mrs. Gaines